Maximo 7.6 Support: Your Top Questions Answered

Erin Pierce (Projetech) and Pam Denny (Maven Asset Management)
March 18, 2025

1. What is IBM’s End of Support (“EOS”) date for the Maximo 7.6 releases?

Maximo EOS is September 30, 2025.

On this date, IBM will no longer provide fixes, patches, and support for the Maximo release. This includes base Maximo, along with any of its corresponding Industry Solutions or add-on products (e.g., Transportation, Scheduler).

Notes: (1) IBM has stopped delivering Maximo iFixes as of December 31, 2023.

           (2) Maximo 7.6.0.x EOS was December 31, 2023.

2. Can I continue to use Maximo 7.6.1 after the September 30, 2025 EOS date?

Yes. You can continue to use Maximo 7.6, but if currency or functional issues are experienced, IBM will be unable to provide fixes or support.

3. How can I receive support for Maximo 7.6.1 after September 30, 2025 EOS date?

You have two options to receive support after September 30, 2025.

IBM Support: You can purchase extended support from IBM if you are on the latest Maximo release. You can purchase either one year of Extended Support or up to five years of Sustained Support. To be eligible for extended support, IBM notes that you must be preparing an upgrade to MAS. Additional details can be found at this IBM link:

Projetech Support: If your organization is in the Projetech Cloud and has moved to App Point Licensing for your Maximo 7.6 environment, Projetech will provide maintenance support through April 30, 2027. This support does not include any application or software bug fixes.

4. What risks are associated with staying on Maximo 7.6 past End of Support?

While extended support options are available from IBM and Projetech, organizations must assess the impact on their compliance posture and take strategic steps to transition to a supported version or alternative solution. Failing to meet specific regulatory compliance requirements can result in fines, reputational damage, and operational disruptions to your organization. Some of the consequences of staying on 7.6 beyond end of support dates include:

  • Security Vulnerabilities: Without regular security updates, Maximo 7.6 becomes susceptible to cyber threats, putting sensitive data and critical infrastructure at risk.
  • Audit and Reporting Challenges: Many regulations require organizations to maintain up-to-date software with verifiable security measures. Running an unsupported version may lead to non-compliance with industry-specific standards such as ISO 55000, OSHA, FDA regulations, and NERC CIP.
  • Reduced System Reliability: As software ages without vendor support, issues may arise that impact system performance, potentially leading to operational inefficiencies and downtime.
  • Integration Limitations: Many organizations integrate Maximo with other enterprise systems, such as ERP and IoT platforms. Maximo 7.6 may face compatibility issues as these systems evolve, limiting its ability to meet compliance requirements.

5. After the EOS of Maximo 7.6 on September 30, 2025, can we move from an on-premise Maximo 7.6 environment to Maximo 7.6 using the Projetech cloud?

There are multiple factors that impact the ability to enable this migration, including your current Maximo 7.6 licensing. To avoid any confusion, we highly encourage you to contact Projetech at to discuss this specific scenario.

6. What Maximo version do I need to be at to upgrade Maximo to the Maximo Application Suite (“MAS”?)

To upgrade to MAS, you must be either on:

  • Maximo or later
  • Maximo or later

7. What is the latest version of MAS?

As of the date of this blog, the latest version of MAS is 9.0. The next projected release is MAS 9.1 in June 2025.

8. How often are new MAS versions released?

Starting in 2024 with MAS 9.0, a single release of MAS is expected each year.

9. What about fix packs? Are fix packs still available in MAS?

Yes – fix packs are available for MAS. Fix packs provide bug fixes, security updates, and updated support for MAS prerequisite software. The latest MAS Core fix pack is 9.0.8 and the latest Maximo Manage fix pack is 9.0.9.

You may want to bookmark this page for details on the latest fix pack releases:

10. Someone mentioned a MAS release channel. What is that?

MAS release channels are based on continuous delivery processes and provide early access to new Maximo and MAS product features. Features in release channels have not been fully tested and are only recommended for non-production environments.

11. We’ve heard so many different things about the MAS support model - can you clarify the current MAS support model?

All MAS 9.0 and future releases are supported for 3 Years. After the 3 years, extended support options can be purchased. The diagram below shows the support plan for MAS 9.0:

*For MAS 9.1, its release and support plan is expected to be:

*These dates are subject to change by IBM until the product release in June 2025.

12. I need to confirm we can use the same SQL Server Database version in MAS that we use today in our organization. Where do I find the Maximo supported product matrix for MAS?

With MAS, the Software Product Compatibility Report (SPCR) details software compatibility by IBM product and version number. To use this report:

  • Access the SPCR Site
  • Enter Maximo Application Suite for the product name
  • Select Version
  • Click Submit (or select subset of components to review)

The resulting information can then be viewed online or exported to PDF.

13. Does IBM provide a preview site for MAS so I can review its features and functionality?

At this time, IBM does not provide a preview site for MAS. However, you can have access to a free 14-day trial of MAS by registering here. Tips for using the free trial for Maximo can be found here.

14. We have used Maximo for over a decade and have always managed our own on-premise installation of Maximo. However, now with the technology shift in MAS to Red Hat Open Shift (“RHOS”), our internal resources do not have the skill sets in Linux or Containerized Platforms. What are our options to upgrade to MAS?

MAS provides a variety of cloud hosting deployment models, which free your resources from learning, administering, and maintaining the new RHOS technology platform. In addition to IBM’s Cloud Services, Projetech offers a variety of MAS hosting services. These include MAS Manage Starter, Premier and Enterprise levels for your unique needs. Projetech has currently mapped out a 4-Month Migration Plan from on-premise to Cloud offerings. However, it can be longer depending on the complexity of the environment.

A listing of Maximo 7.6 and MAS support links are provided below for your reference.

Additionally, if you have more questions, please reach out to the Maven and Projetech teams for assistance. We can be reached at and


IBM Maximo 7.6 and MAS Announcements

End of Support Announcement (EOS) for Maximo 7.6.1

Upgrading from Maximo 76 to MAS prerequisites

Maximo Application Suite Release information

Maven and Projetech Blogs

MAS 9.0 Support Model and Version Updates

New Lifecycle Policy for MAS: 3+1+3 Structure

Breaking Down Maximo 7.6.1x End of Support Information

Navigating Maximo v.7.6.1.x End of Support

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Erin Pierce (Projetech) and Pam Denny (Maven Asset Management)
March 18, 2025
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