Maximo 7.6 Extended Support

Projetech's MaaS Extended Support offers a seamless, secure, and flexible path for Maximo 7.6 customers, ensuring your operations remain robust and supported as you plan for future upgrades. With our certified expertise and client-focused approach, Projetech stands as your partner in maximizing the value and longevity of your Maximo investment.

Important Maximo 7.6.1.x End of Support Dates

Options Available for Maximo v7 Customers


September 30, 2025

End of IBM Base Support for Maximo 7.6.x.

September 30, 2026

End of IBM Extended Support for Maximo 7.6.x.

April 30,

End of IBM Maximo 7.6.1.x Dual Entitlement

September 30, 2030

End of IBM Maximo 7.6.1.x Sustained Support
  1. Upgrade to Maximo Application Suite (MAS) Manage and AppPoint licensing. This can be done on-premise or with a cloud solution such as Projetech’s MaaS Manage offering.
  2. Migrate to Projetech’s cloud MaaS v7 Extended Support solution using AppPoint dual entitlements with a required upgrade to MAS by April 2027.
  3. Migrate to Projetech’s cloud MaaS v7 Extended Support solution with user-based entitlements and upgrade to MAS by 2030.
  4. Remain on current platform and trade up to MAS AppPoint dual license entitlements and S&S; upgrade to MAS required by April 2027.
  5. Remain on current platform with user-based licensing and purchase IBM Sustained Support; requires active S&S, version, and upgrade to MAS by 2030.
  6. Remain on current platform with user-based licensing and purchase IBM Extended Support for one year of critical defect fixes;  IBM Sustained Support is a prerequisite.

Important Maximo 7.6.1.x End of Support Dates

Options for Maximo v7 Customers
  1. Now through September 30, 2030: Upgrade to Maximo Application Suite (MAS) Manage and AppPoint licensing. This can be done on-premise or with a cloud solution such as Projetech’s MaaS Manage offering.
  2. Now through April 30, 2027: Migrate to Projetech’s cloud MaaS v7 Extended Support solution using AppPoint dual entitlements with a required upgrade to MAS by April 2027.
  3. Now through September 30, 2030: Migrate to Projetech’s cloud MaaS v7 Extended Support solution with user-based entitlements and upgrade to MAS by 2030.
  4. Now through April 30, 2027: Remain on current platform and trade up to MAS AppPoint dual license entitlements and S&S; upgrade to MAS required by April 2027.
  5. Starting September 30, 2025 through September 30, 2030: Remain on current platform with user-based licensing and purchase IBM Sustained Support; active S&S, version, and upgrade to MAS by 2030 required.
  6. Starting September 30, 2025 through September 30, 2026: Remain on current platform with user-based licensing and purchase IBM Extended Support for one year of critical defect fixes;  IBM Sustained Support is a prerequisite.

Projetech Extended Support for Maximo 7.6

Projetech offers a comprehensive Extended Support service for Maximo as a Service (MaaS) customers utilizing Maximo 7.6, ensuring continuous, uninterrupted support beyond the IBM announced End of Support dates. Our service is designed to provide Maximo users with stability, security, and the necessary time to plan for an upgrade to the Maximo Application Suite (MAS), without compromising on the quality or availability of their current Maximo environment.
Personalized Support Services
Standard 99.99% Service Level Agreement
Support for SQL, Oracle, or DB2 database platforms
24x7 application monitoring
Backup, restore, and disaster recovery service
Access to IBM documentation, technotes, and other product materials
Code patches and fixes published before September 30, 2025
Mitigation or workaround for critical defects or vulnerabilities identified through client usage of the system
Analysis of alternatives for requested new features of enhancements
Support for 3rd party components on a case-by-case basis
Assistance with the technical upgrade to Maximo Application Suite
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Dashboard mockup

Projetech Extended Support Options

Standard MaaS Extended Support

For all Projetech MaaS v7 customers with user-based Maximo entitlements beyond September 30th, 2025, MaaS Extended Support includes all standard support services, mitigation for critical defects, and assistance with technical upgrades to MAS; available through 2030.

BYOL MaaS Extended Support Licensing Options

Option 1: Purchase IBM Sustained Support in tandem with Projetech’s MaaS Extended Support to retain rights for trading up user licenses to AppPoints when ready.
Option 2: Opt not to purchase IBM Sustained Support and when ready to upgrade, purchase AppPoints from IBM at new net pricing.

Choose Projetech for Uninterrupted Maximo Service

Projetech's MaaS Extended Support offers a seamless, secure, and flexible path for Maximo 7.6 customers, ensuring your operations remain robust and supported as you plan for future upgrades. With our certified expertise and client-focused approach, Projetech stands as your partner in maximizing the value and longevity of your Maximo investment.